What is the difference between 2D and 3D graphics? What are the benefits of using 3D animation? When should you choose 2D? What style do you need for your video?

You’ve probably heard that 2021 has become the year of 3D. Of course, 3D imaging deserves to be one of the main trends, because realistic 3D shapes combined with motion attract more attention than classic 2D animation.

However, the choice of style depends on the initial task.

Let’s understand first,

What is the difference between 2D and 3D graphics?

2D is two-dimensional graphics. Images in it move in two dimensions: width and height (X, Y). 2D is also called a flat image.

3D is three-dimensional graphics. In it, objects are formed in three dimensions (X, Y, Z). That is, depth is added to the width and height. This graphic allows you to scroll the object around its axis or fly around the object with the camera. 3D is called a three-dimensional image.

To tell a long story short, 2D creates a two-dimensional image and 3D a three-dimensional one.

3D allows us to estimate the size and distance of an object due to our ability to perceive perspective.

In 2D, for realistic perception of the picture, our brain turns on: the eyes read a flat image, and the brain completes the reflection in three-dimensional format. Therefore, we are able to assess which of the objects on the screen or photo is next, which is closer, which is located at an angle to the viewer, to assess the aspect.

2D vs 3D. Advantages and disadvantages

Price, terms of production

Creating three-dimensional graphics is quite a time consuming process. Therefore, the 3D video will be more expensive and will take more time to produce.

The price of a 2D video will be lower and will be produced faster.


2D uses perspective principles to create the illusion of space and placement of objects (distant objects are smaller than those closer to us; shadows; lines that converge to the horizon.

3D requires less data to measure the size of objects, and the viewer immediately captures their actual size and location in space.


If you plan to use a lot of text in the video, it is better to focus on the 2D. The text is better read in a flat picture.

If the main task of the video is to show a complex object, it will look better in 3D mode. The accumulation of graphics here is perceived as a clear geometric figure. For example, complex chemical compounds or techniques with many small details are best shown in 3D.

In 2D it is not necessary to use difficult geometrical designs, they will be difficult to read.


3D graphics have many limitations and requirements for building a scene. This type of graphics requires more professionalism (scene selection, creation of three-dimensional objects, textures, installation of cameras, lights, movement in the scene, etc.).

2D graphics are easier to make and can show more types of scenes. Millions of special effects and graphic schemes that can be used have already been developed here. This greatly simplifies and speeds up the graphics process.


3D allows you to create new ones. There are no developed schemes yet, there are few standard effects, as in 2D.

What style do you need for your video?

This question often arises at the beginning of communication with the production studio. After all, the cost of the video and the timing of the production depend on it, but the most important thing is whether it will impress the viewer or fulfill its main task.

If the video is about technology or objects that cannot be shot, but you want to reproduce them as realistically as possible, choose 3D. For example, you need to show a model of an aircraft that currently exists only in the drawings. Or you need to interest investors in investing in real estate that you plan to build.

Once Divaki Production was preparing a video about a unique energy storage system for the home by Serenis. The video was shown at the exhibition Key Energy (Rimini, Italy). At that time, our customers could only provide us with drawings and images of the system. Therefore, depicting the product itself, we used 3D graphics. On the first day of the presentation, the company’s founders received more orders than they had planned to receive during the entire exhibition.

If you want to use humor, jokes, grotesque or just tell a story in the video, we suggest you focus on 2D and animation. 2D characters can emotionally convey a story. And 2D animation will immerse the viewer in the cartoon world, familiar to us from childhood.

To inform people about something – the work of the portal, the upcoming event, the details of your campaign or a report with many graphs and diagrams, it is better to use infographics using 2D graphics.

2D also works well in video explainers. Here you can use both character animation and video infographics.

A popular solution is to combine 3D objects with photos, illustrations and 2D design.

What kind of graphics to use in your video, we can discuss together, according to the given task, product or service, which we will talk about, and the effect it should have on the viewer.

We will be happy to implement your project.

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